From credit cards to personal loans to mortgages to student loan debt, the average American has $90,460 in debt.
Buying a home is arguably the largest investment most Americans make over the course of their lives.
Debt refinancing offers a way for businesses to ease the pressure on their finances and ease their debt burden.
What would happen if you need $400 for an emergency?
Debt restructuring is a process used by companies to avoid the risk of default on existing debt.
The average American carries $6,194 in credit card debt, typically distributed over four credit cards.
Equity financing is one of the major ways companies raise the money they need.
Let’s explore one of the most common means companies use to raise capital – Debt financing.
Should you take out a loan or look for investors to raise that extra capital you’re seeking?
Debt consolidation and debt settlement are both financial strategies that share a common goal – to help consumers resolve their credit card debt – but they achieve it through different routes.
While no one likes being in debt, the truth is that the majority of us need debt to finance our day-to-day lives.
Total household debt in the United States – including auto loans, credit cards, mortgages, and student debt – climbed to $14.30 trillion in the first quarter of 2020. It’s so high that it is about eight times the total household by the height of the great recession in Q3 2008.
When you’re trying to escape debt, dealing with multiple accounts and due dates can be frustrating.
About 80% of Americans are in, at least, one form of debt.
Bankruptcy and insolvency are among the most confusing finance terms for many people – sometimes, even used interchangeably. We explain.
If other debt relief method fails, declaring bankruptcy might be the only option to ease your financial burden.
Explore the similarities and differences between liquidation and bankruptcy.
Once you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay immediately goes into effect. This will restrict your creditors from attempting to collect on debts that may be discharged during the bankruptcy process.
Debt-to-income ratio = Total Monthly Payments / Gross monthly income.